How To Raise Money For Your Venture (Online)

US$ 57 Trillion Is Yours For the Asking

The world of start-ups, SMEs, securities and investment banking did not realise the  dramatic change to the way companies raise money to grow their ventures when USA Congress passed the JOBS Act in April of 2012. 

GameStop Saga: Fuel By Social Media & Online Brokerages

The GameStop Saga is the beginning of a new trajectory in the world of investing. Never have you seen the power of individuals  interchanging ideas and information about their investments that can beat the deep pocket hedge funds.

Traditional Vs Online Exchanges

Many founders feel that one of their key accomplishments in their entrepreneurial journey is to get their venture publicly-listed as a symbol of success and business standing.

What’s In It For Investors “WIIFI” ?

Before we get into what’s in it for the investors, it is better to ask why investors invest.


eFundraising issuers have to rely on OMDI (Offer Memo, Pitch-Deck, Investor-Relations Website) to do the explanation and persuasion on why one should invest to take up shares or debts of a company.


FF – the Financial Forecast is a key element in the Offer Memo of which many entrepreneurs relegate this important component to the accounting team who may not have any investment or capital market experience and exposure.

OMDI Capital Gain & Personal Wealth

This section of the OMDI (Offer Memo, Pitch Deck, Investor-relation website) says it all. The issuer can describe how fabulous the products can solve the unresolved pain points and their unique selling propositions.

The Team

The very first thing astute investors look for in a deal is not the product, production, promotion or profit projections – it is the people in the team. It is the sum total of the peoples’ complementary expertise, experience, extensive network and their combined exhilarating emotional energy that makes a company achieve miracles – T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves Miracles.